Amaranthus 'Autumn Touch' Seeds

Amaranthus 'Autumn Touch' Seeds

Amaranthus 'Autumn Touch' Seeds


Amaranthus cruentus 'Autumn Touch'

Big, bold, upright spikes of copper with cream tips. Beautiful for Fall arrangements or leave in the garden for a show.

Plant Type: Annual
Plant:  After last frost
Germination:  7-10 days at 68- 75 F
Height:  3-4 ft
Light Preference:  Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Sow 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Barely cover seed. Bottom water or mist to avoid covering seeds with displaced soil. Harden off by growing at 62-65°F and transplant outside after last frost. Or direct seed after last frost, sow thinly, barely covering the seed. 

Plant Spacing: 12-15"   

Seeds per packet: Approx  100