Basketflower 'Aloha Mix' Seeds

Basketflower 'Aloha Mix' Seeds


Centaurea americana

A close relative to the Bachelor Button. Large rose and white fuzzy flowers are 4-5 inches.  Sprinkle some color in your garden with these easy to grow seeds! And bonus: the seedpods dry a gorgeous golden color that is perfect for everlasting décor! 

Plant Type:  Annual
Plant:  after last frost
Germination: 7-14 days at 60-65°F
Height:  36-48"
Light Preference: Sun


Direct seed thinly in rows, 6 seeds per foot, 1/4" deep, as soon as soil can be worked. Cover lightly. Keep soil surface moist until emergence. When seedlings have first true leaves, thin to 6-9" apart.

Plant Spacing: 2-9"

Seeds per packet: Approx  50