Marigold 'Chedi Mix' Seeds

Marigold 'Chedi Mix' Seeds


Tagetes erecta 'Chedi Mix’

Also known as an American Marigold, this mix will give you plenty of large bright orange, golden, and yellow blooms that have an incredibly long vase life. A great natural dye, especially the orange blooms.

Marigolds are great for deterring nematodes and other pests in your veggie gardens. Make sure to deadhead the flowerheads regularly to encourage more blooms. Marigolds are said to be great pest deterrents in your vegetable garden and they are even edible! Add some zest to your meals with bright specks of color!!

Plant Type:  Annual
Plant:  after last frost
Germination: 4-7 days at 75-80°F
Height:  32"-40"
Light Preference: Full Sun
Plant Spacing: 8"-18"
Days to Maturity: 70-90 days



Transplant (recommended) - Sow into 72-cell flats 4-6 weeks before last frost, lightly covering seed. Harden-off and transplant out after last frost. For flowering in packs, sow 8 weeks before desired bloom time. Direct seed - After last frost, sow 1/4" deep. Pinching encourages branching.

Plant Spacing: 8"-18"

Seeds per packet: Approx  75