Sunflower Sunrich Lime Seeds

Sunflower Sunrich Lime Seeds

Sunflower Sunrich Lime Seeds



 Helianthus annus 'Sunrich Lime'

A bright sunflower than does not disappoint! Vibrant yellow petals surround a bright yellow and lime disk. Pollen less and single stemmed. 

Plant Type:  Annual
Seed:  After last frost 
Germination:   5-7 days at 70 F
Height:  4-6 ft
Light Preference: Full Sun
Plant Spacing: 9-12"


Start indoors to transplant out when a few inches tall or sow directly into garden beds or pots in well drained soil. Cover with 1/2" of soil. We tend to direct seed our Sunflowers as roots do not like to be disturbed. 

Seeds per packet: Approx  25