Zinnia 'Oklahoma Salmon' Seeds

Zinnia 'Oklahoma Salmon' Seeds

Zinnia 'Oklahoma Salmon' Seeds


Zinnia elegans 'Oklahoma Salmon'

With 2" flowers, these Zinnias are not only adorable but they are also prolific ! There will be enough to fill your vases and to share with the bees. This shade of Salmon is our farm favorite.

Plant Type:  Annual
Plant:  After last frost 
Germination:   5-7 days at 70 F
Height:  3-4 ft
Light Preference: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75-90 days



Transplant- Sow indoors before last frost. Cover seeds. Harden-off and transplant out after last frost. Do not allow plants to become root bound and avoid disturbing roots. Pinch off half of the plant as the stem when 8 inches tall. This will initiate the development of multiple stems which will then increase your yield. Direct seed - After last frost, sow 1/4" deep.

Plant Spacing: 9-12"

Seeds per packet: Approx  50