Zinnia 'Zinderella Lilac' Seeds

Zinnia 'Zinderella Lilac' Seeds

Zinnia 'Zinderella Lilac' Seeds


Zinnia elegans 'Zinderella Lilac'

The Zinderella series is a double-petaled , scabiosa-like bloom. In our experience, here in the South, we find that only the initial blooms are the only ones that are doubles. The color on these are so good though that we grow them anyway. Their sweet lilac color is perfect in summer arrangements!

Plant Type:  Annual
Plant:  After last frost 
Germination:   5-7 days at 70 F
Height:  3-4 ft
Light Preference: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75-90 days



Transplant- Sow indoors before last frost. Cover seeds. Harden-off and transplant out after last frost. Do not allow plants to become root bound and avoid disturbing roots. Pinch off half of the plant as the stem when 8 inches tall. This will initiate the development of multiple stems which will then increase your yield. Direct seed - After last frost, sow 1/4" deep.

Plant Spacing: 9-12"

Seeds per packet: Approx  25